Owen is an 11th grader, who has taken several art classes at Marwen, found his passion in oil painting. These classes Portraits Through the Multiverse and Bold Brushstrokes: Oil Painting were his first opportunity to try oil painting, and he soon developed a strong understanding of how to use the medium.
"I am inspired by books or movies with strong world building because I then want to tell a story of my own world."

Owen loves to paint portraits and landscapes, often with fantasy or magical elements. His paintings are a crowd favorite at Marwen's end-of-term exhibitions.

Oil painting isn't Owen's only medium. He has also participated in Marwen's Design to Print commissioned art class where he used gouache painting techniques to create one of the top-selling designs at fairs and markets across the city. Owen is currently taking the commissioned course again this Spring, and we cannot wait to see what incredible new card designs he creates.
Marwen young artists bring boundless creativity and enthusiasm into the studios, and now they can submit their art and ideas to be featured around the building and on social media! Marwen's Young Artist Spotlight series offers young people an opportunity to promote themselves and their art to the Marwen community and beyond.
Each term (Spring, Summer, and Fall), we will choose one high school and one middle school artist to feature. Young people can submit their work by completing the survey below.
Follow us on instagram to see more of our Youth Artist Spotlight series.